Thursday, April 23, 2009

I don't know when I became so obsessed with diapers. As you may know, I've been using
cloth diapers on Brynleigh since she was born. The first month or so I used a
combination of sposies and cloth. And every month from that point on I found myself using
less and less sposies. Now I'm to the point where I hate to make her wear those yucky, plastic diapers.
So I dread going away for a day and having to put her in those disposable diapers.

Speaking of diapers, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE bamboo diapers. I have been hearing great things about
a diaper called "Goodmama". They're beautiful diapers that are very hard to get, and super absorbant.
Well, a few months ago I managed to track down 2 Goodmama diapers and they're great! Another diaper that's equally as absorbant and equally as hard to get are "Bagshot Row Bamboo" diapers. They are a little cheaper than the Goodmama's (thank goodness!) but oh, so cute. And trim too! I just love them! I wish I had a dozen of them!

Here's a shot of the BSRB in action!
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