Thursday, April 23, 2009

Maddox got to go to his first Husker game on Saturday! He had a great time, but thought it was a little "boring". He was so excited to go that he didn't even remember to give me a hug goodbye!
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I don't know when I became so obsessed with diapers. As you may know, I've been using
cloth diapers on Brynleigh since she was born. The first month or so I used a
combination of sposies and cloth. And every month from that point on I found myself using
less and less sposies. Now I'm to the point where I hate to make her wear those yucky, plastic diapers.
So I dread going away for a day and having to put her in those disposable diapers.

Speaking of diapers, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE bamboo diapers. I have been hearing great things about
a diaper called "Goodmama". They're beautiful diapers that are very hard to get, and super absorbant.
Well, a few months ago I managed to track down 2 Goodmama diapers and they're great! Another diaper that's equally as absorbant and equally as hard to get are "Bagshot Row Bamboo" diapers. They are a little cheaper than the Goodmama's (thank goodness!) but oh, so cute. And trim too! I just love them! I wish I had a dozen of them!

Here's a shot of the BSRB in action!
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What an imagination!!!!!
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Brynleigh is growing so quickly! She already says, "hi", "up", "mama", and "ouch". She has been crawling for a few months now and is constangly pulling herself up and standing. She loves playing with "the boys". In fact, when her "boys" are here she dosen't really want much to do with me (unless she's tired or hungry). She's a real go-getter!
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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Now that Brynleigh is on the move all the time, it's so hard to get a good picture of her! Unless she's asleep, she's on the go. I thought that maybe I'd finally have a more mellow child since Maddox is so busy all the time. But I'm starting to think that Brynleigh is going to be just as busy as Maddox.
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Saturday, March 21, 2009

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Maddox just turned 5 years old!

I can't believe how fast the last 5 years has gone! It seems like just yesterday I was 4 days overdue and in the hospital ready to give birth to my first child. Then he was born and my life has been a whirlwind ever since.

Maddox started preschool this year. He goes to preschool 4 days a week for about 4 hours a day and he loves it. He'll be starting Kindergarten this fall. I'm also thinking about getting him signed up for some sort of classes. Maybe gymnastics, or guitar lessons, or something he'd enjoy.